Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Week 2- Realistic Fiction: Second Grade, Here I Come!

This book talks about kids going to second grade and everything that happens in school. Each page covers a different topic from cheating to recess to getting ready. It is applicable for kids going into second grade but also any grade. Lessons about walking quietly, seeing friends, and not cheating are applicable to any age.

I would give this book 4 out of 5 stars. I like that it is straight forward with children about the many lessons that come with growing up and getting older. The fact that it rhymes also helps kids remember the lessons.

Title: Second Grade, Here I Come!
Author: D.J. Steinberg
Publisher: Grosset and Dunlap
Year: 2017
ISBN: 978-0515158083


  1. I've never heard of this book but it actually sounds very interesting for little kids. Children are always excited about going to a new grade and all the new privileges they get. It sounds like its something that a younger student would love to read.

  2. These types of books are always good to have for students going into these grades, since it can be a scary time for children to go into a new grade and to meet new and old friends as well as a new teacher. They have books like this for every grade level, especially for students going into school for the first time. I have even seen a book called "The night before Kindergarten" which is formatted like the famous Christmas book.

  3. The cover of this book shows the whole playground which is where children most like to be in. I like how the book give lessons about walking quietly, seeing friends, and not cheating are applicable to any age. I feel that this book would help children prepare to be in the second grade setting.


Week 3: Poem- Green Eggs and Ham

Dr. Seuss is the first author most people think of when they think of children's poems. This story is universal, which I love. It te...