Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Week 2- Traditional Tale: The Little Red Hen

The Little Red Hen
is an old tale that shows it takes work to get to what you want. The red hen lives with a cat, dog, and duck. They are all lazy and do not want to do anything. The red hen found some seeds which grew into wheat. Then the wheat had to be cut and sent to the mill to turn it into flour. From there, the hen used the flour to make bread. Each step, the hen asked if anyone would help and every single time they all said "not I" yet when the hen makes the bread, they all want to eat it. The red hen since she did the work she gets to eat it alone. Now, all the animals help when she needs it.

I love this book and rate it 5 out of 5. I've always liked that the hen ate the bread alone because she did the work alone. It shows that work ethic is important if you want something and nothing is handed to you.

Title: The Little Red Hen
Author: Paul Galdone
Publisher: Clarion Books
Date: 1985
ISBN: 978-0899193496


  1. Hi Sara.

    I remember reading this book when I was really young, and I loved it so much. My mom use to read it to me all the time when she was first introducing me to reading, and I use to shout out "not I" whenever the animals would say it in the book. I think this book is a great way to get new readers excited about reading books because of the repeated phrase used in the book. It also provides children with an important lesson about how important it is to always work hard and put in your best effort, like you said.

  2. I remember this book from childhood as well. I think it's an important lesson that you cannot just expect someone to do all the work for you and you to get the reward. Thank you for your post on such a classic.


Week 3: Poem- Green Eggs and Ham

Dr. Seuss is the first author most people think of when they think of children's poems. This story is universal, which I love. It te...